
Watch Me Grow Child Development Center, Inc. was originally a home daycare center with only five (5) children enrolled. On May 1, 2006, Watch Me Grow CDC, Inc. moved into its new home - which is our current location.
Recently, Watch Me Grow CDC, Inc. has earned a
State of Alabama/Q.R.I.S.
Four-Star Rating
as a high quality learning center!
Watch Me Grow CDC, Inc. would like to thank you for trusting us with your children. These are the most vital years of your child's life, and we would like to help you create a structured foundation with your child that will not only prepare them for Kindergarten, but also the world. By allowing your child to be a part of Watch Me Grow, you and your child will receive the following services:
A nutritious breakfast, lunch, and snack
An Alabama DHR inspected and licensed facility with a clean, safe learning environment
Curriculum based learning that includes age appropriate activities
Extracurricular activities that enhance learning
Indoor and Outdoor fun on newly renovated playground equipment
Full Time Care
Before & After School Care for School Aged Children
Summer Camp & Out of School Care during summer months and school closure days.